About Us

Berry Yummy Sweets is a business that started as a hobby and is growing more and more every single day! Hi, my name is Leslie and I am the owner of Berry Yummy Sweets! I have always loved chocolate covered strawberries for as long as I can remember. When I was young, my aunt taught me how to make them for myself and and I would always find any excuse to make some to satisfy my constant craving. Fast forward to some years later, I was pregnant with my second baby and had the biggest craving for chocolate covered strawberries (no surprise there), so I made some and posted them on Instagram jokingly saying I was going to start selling them. To my surprise, I had a lot of friends and family respond saying I should! I didn’t take it seriously at the time but after having my baby, my husband encouraged me to just give it a try! By the grace and Favor of God, the orders started rolling in and this little hobby of mine, started to become a “nap time hustle”. God then granted me an amazing opportunity, I was able to collaborate with a local influencer before mothers day and as soon as she gave me a shoutout, my whole business blew up. Since then, we have fulfilled so many orders and have been apart of so many events that I would’ve never imagined possible. I am so grateful to God for giving me the best support system, I have a family and friends who have been by my side through this wild rollercoaster! Berry Yummy Sweets is proud to serve our customers with lots of love and excellence! We take pride in every single detail and will do our very (or should I say “berry”) best to make sure your desserts are perfect for your events and occasions!